Initiative for respecting Human Rights in Labor

In FY 2019, we established the “Shindengen Group Human Rights Policy” as the basis for all other policies and documents (ex. Shindengen Group Action Guidelines) related to the Group’s efforts to respect human rights across our global operations.

Shindengen Group Human Rights Policy

Initiative for preventing Slave Labor and Human Trafficking

The Shindengen Group has updated its statement in September 2023 regarding the prevention of slave labor and human trafficking pursuant to the British Modern Slavery Act 2015, Article 54(1).

Human Rights Due Diligence

The biggest risks for slave labor and human trafficking are in the supply chain, which the Shindengen Group’s oversight of operations and management cannot directly reach.
In FY2022, we revised the Shindengen Group Supply Chain CSR Deployment Guidelines in light of increasing demands for CSR internationally. Further, in addition to seeking the understanding and cooperation of our suppliers regarding respect for human rights during Business Strategy Meetings, we will continue conducting the periodic supply chain human rights surveys that we launched in FY2019 and renew basic transaction contracts with the addition of provisions related to human rights.
The Shindengen Group conducts risk assessments each year and strives to identify human rights risks. We implement measures to avoid or mitigate those risks. No violations of our Human Rights Policy were confirmed in the FY2022 Shindengen Group Human Rights Risk Assessment.

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