Value Creation
Technology and Development Center
Overview of the Technology and Development Center
The Technology and Development Center handles the basic research and applied research development stages that come before product commercialization. Technological challenges we are working on include developing elemental technologies and prototypes for low-loss devices, module mounting technologies, IC product process technologies and high-efficiency, low-noise power supply circuits. Using simulations, we determine the properties and key points of technologies in development, accumulating knowledge in order to efficiently pass on the results of our work to the business divisions. The product development departments in each segment then use these technologies to develop new products optimized for the needs and applications of their markets and customers.
R&D expenses were as follows.
R&D (Millions of Yen)

Review of the 15th Medium Term Business Plan
Under the slogan “creating differentiated technologies,” we developed high-voltage IC products and next-generation devices. Amid an accelerating trend toward the use of electric and self-driving technologies as part of efforts to achieve decarbonization, we developed such high-voltage IC products as 200 V driver ICs and such IC products for automobiles as protective low-loss diode ICs for ECUs. In addition, in GaN DC/DC converters, we achieved an operating frequency three times that of previous Shindengen products. Other achievements included realizing low ON resistance SiC-MOSFETs.
The 16th Medium Term Business Plan
Technology and Development Center Development Strategy
Under the 16th Medium Term Business Plan, our basic technological development strategy is to develop unique and appealing products, pursue open innovation and strictly adhere to development schedules. To realize the Company’s long term vision, we will advance the development of products and technologies with competitive advantages in growth businesses. In low-loss power devices, power modules and power supply units, we aim to acquire technologies that enable differentiation from competitors and the provision of new added value. Targeting new markets, we will further hone our existing technologies and incorporate outside expertise regarding technologies we do not currently have in order to make product development into a growth engine going forward.